Having dinner with the whole team of your bar or restaurant before your shift starts is one of the best ways to bond, invite conversations and creates a great, relaxed atmosphere. Nothing brings people together like food does. Here are some tips for creating a nutritious staff meal that boosts your energy!
Healthy fats
Use healthy fats such as avocados, nuts, seeds and some oils such as canola or extra virgin olive oil. These fats increase energy, boost metabolism and contribute to heart and brain health. Also, healthy fats can strengthen the immune system, contribute to stronger bones and can therefore prevent osteoporosis. Bartending is hard physical work: For example the fridges need to be restocked daily which means that you’ll definitely need some energy to be able to carry those heavy crates. Also, you’re on your feet behind the bar all day, so it’s important to get energized by eating well.
Use the right kind of meat
Avoid red meat and incorporate lean meat products such as chicken or turkey breast into meals. Lean meats are known for their proteins our bodies need to build muscles. Another advantage of lean meat is that the B-complex vitamins, zinc and Omega 3 fatty acids help ease anxiety or stress which results in a better mood. Your staff will not only be happy about the benefit of getting a delicious, freshly cooked meal but they’ll be glowing from within, ready to do their best and create stunning drinks on the upcoming shift! Protein also helps keep your blood sugar on a stable level. It’s hard to live a healthy lifestyle and it’s even harder to do so as a bartender. Find out what solutions there are to make it easier to maintain some balance in your life as a bartender here.

Fruit and vegetables
To most people this is an obvious point, although sometimes we tend to forget how versatile greens can be. They don’t just add a visual appeal to every meal with their beautiful colors, but also support our immune system with the strength to fight off flues. It’s a bartender’s bread and butter to work long hours during nighttime. Going to sleep when other people wake up really messes with your normal rhythm which makes you more susceptible for flues. Try to prevent yourself from getting sick by consuming some kind of fruit or vegetables daily. Especially grapefruits are extremely high in fiber and can help to prevent heart diseases or even the formation of cancer. Spinach is also a great component to use in your next staff meal, since it is not just very affordable but also a rich source of minerals and vitamins such as vitamin B6 and vitamins A and C. It can be eaten raw, used in smoothies, cooked, sauteed- the possibilities are countless.
Have a shot!
Try to eliminate sugar to prevent experiencing a dip in your blood sugar level a couple of hours after consumption. On days that are extremely stressful, when the bar is packed with guests it helps to take a shot of apple cider vinegar to get a healthy energy kick. Alternatively you can also create a power-shot out of three parts lemon juice, one part orange juice and mix it with chlorella, a form of seaweed. You will get a boost of energy minus the negative side effects coffee or sugar have. Also, it helps to pick up nutrition of food a lot better when you drink some fresh lemon juice 15 minutes before you eat your next meal; it will help to help digest food easier.
Pick the right carbs
Whole grains are another great component to add to the next staff meal. They contain lots of fiber and can help lower cholesterol as well as blood pressure. A really big advantage of whole grains is that they make you feel full for a really long time, which means everyone will have enough fuel for a complete shift at the bar. Furthermore whole grains keep your blood glucose from spiking and therefore prevent you from experiencing a massive dip of your energy level at one point. There’s a whole grain version of basically everything: pasta, rice and bread are just a few examples. Also, you can try to eat natural carbs to prevent a dip after a couple of hours in your shift; Natural carbs are for example sweet potatoes.
Extra tip: Stay hydrated! Remind yourself to drink enough water, it’ll help to avoid headaches.
written by Sofia- February 2018