Hard Work

Hello, I'm Victorine.

Able to work in a team, friendly, sociable, motivated, honest and punctual

WORK EXPERIENCE 2010 : One day internship as an employee at the Cantonal Bank in Saint- Imier. 2011 : Three weeks language course in Bournemouth, England. 2012 : Temporary work as a stock employee at the Compagnie des Montres Longines in Saint-Imier. 2012 : Internship of six weeks in a business practice in Tramelan as part of my training as a commercial employee. This training was in collaboration with Camille Bloch. 2013 : Four weeks internship at Nivarox. 2014 : Graduate from the business school. I have a Federal Diploma of Vocational Education and Training and an Advanced Federal Diploma of Higher Education. 2014 : Two weeks language course in Bournemouth, England. 2015 : Temporary work of two weeks as stock employee at the Compagnie des Montres Longines in Saint-Imier. 2016 : Three weeks internship in a law firm in Moutier. Since 2016 : Work as a worker at Sontex in Sonceboz. 2017-2018 : Writing my Bachelor's degree at Meezy Sàrl in Lausanne. September 2017 - March 2018 : Additional English courses at the Management High School in Delémont. January 2018 : Obtaining my Bachelor's degree at the High school of management in Neuchâtel. January à March 2018 : Temporary job as a stock employee at the Compagnie des Montres Longines in Saint-Imier April à June 2018 : Traveling. July 2018 : Bartender course in english at the European Bartender School in Dublin. August 2018 : Obtaining my Bartender diploma. Since 2015 to now : Work at IMSD Sàrl in Zürich as web content manager, accountant and various administrative tasks. EDUCATION 2001 à 2008 : Primary school in Saint-Imier 2008 à 2011 : High school (pre-gymnasiale section) in Saint-Imier 2011 à 2014 : Business school in Tramelan 2014 à 2018: High school of management in business and law in Neuchâtel


European Bartender School Dublin International Bartender Course (4 weeks) - Jul 2018

Work experience

Badge 4 Weeks International Bartender Course

International Bartender Course (4 weeks)

Grade B Dublin - Jul 2018
NationalitySwiss Gender Female SpeakGerman, English, French

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