Hard Work

Hello, I'm Samuel.

A young up and coming bartender from Lincoln looking to show off some of the skills I learnt over the time I've spent bartending. I have a passion for flair and tiki cocktails.

I have 2 years of experience behind a nightclub in Lincoln called bierkeller where I make cocktails for a student based clientele. its a fast pace environment where I have to deal with multiple customers and issues constantly while keeping a calm and level head. I have won an awards in my time working there for my speed of service and earning the most revenue in the shortest amount of time in the whole of the Lincoln estate. Ive had the opportunity to train new staff in this venue as I'm a trusted member of the team and have knowledge of how the whole bar and company runs meaning that I can fill in for any possession at the flip of a coin.


European Bartender School New York International Bartender Course (4 weeks) - Aug 2022

Work experience

Bierkeller - Lincoln Bartender, Jan. 1, 2020 - Sept. 1, 2022

Badge 4 Weeks International Bartender Course

International Bartender Course (4 weeks)

Grade C New York - Aug 2022
NationalityBritish Gender Male SpeakEnglish

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